
遵守联邦和纽约州法规以及大学政策, 在线赌博已经建立了令人满意的学术进步标准的财政援助. 你必须符合这些标准才有资格获得联邦资助, 国家或大学的财政援助款项.

I. 满足学业进步(SAP)要求的联邦和大学财政援助计划

有资格获得任何联邦或大学奖学金的经济援助, 格兰特, 贷款, 或者工作计划, 学生必须证明最低的定性和定量学术衡量标准. The qualitative and quantitative standards used to measure 令人满意的学业进展 are cumulative and encompass all enrollment periods, 包括学生在入学期间没有获得联邦或大学资助的时间.

A. 定性测量

定性测量标准表示为最低累积平均绩点(CUM/GPA), 哪些必须在每学期入学前证明. 以下图表说明了最低CUM/GPA要求:

出勤学期 最小和/绩点
1 0
2 1
3 1.5
4 1.75
5个或更多 2.0

B. 定量测定

The quantitative measurement standard has two concepts: a maximum time frame in which the student is expected to finish a degree program; and a comparison of the number of credit hours the student attempted with the number of credit hours the student successfully completed to determine whether the student is progressing at a rate which will allow the student to finish the program within the maximum time frame. 这被称为最小完成率.


The maximum time frame in which the student is expected to finish a baccalaureate degree program is defined as 150% of the published length of the program, 根据在线赌博目录, 以尝试学时计算. 例如,文理学院需要124个学分才能获得学位. 因此, the maximum time frame for which a liberal arts student may be eligible for aid is the period during which the student attempts 186 credit hours (124 X 1.5 = 186).


The percentage of attempted credit hours a student must successfully complete to demonstrate SAP is the minimum completion ratio. 在在线赌博的所有本科学位课程中,这一比例为67%. The minimum completion ratio is determined by dividing the program credit hours required for graduation by the maximum time frame credit hours.

完成率的应用是累积的. 因此, 学生必须成功完成所有学分的67%,试图证明SAP联邦和大学的援助. 例如, 如果学生在入学的前四个学期尝试了60个学分, this student would need to demonstrate at least 40 successfully completed credit hours to satisfy the SAP minimum completion ratio requirement (60 X .67 = 40.2).

C. 评估周期和测量频率

每年在每学期结束时对学生的SAP进行审查, 在最终成绩由注册主任公布后. All students are reviewed regardless of the student's enrollment status or number of semesters attended during the academic year.

D. 累积平均绩点(CUM/GPA)

The CUM/GPA is the CUM/GPA as determined and recorded by the University Registrar on the student's official Alfred University academic record. Grades earned at other institutions for transfer credits are not considered to determine the student's Alfred University CUM/GPA or for SAP CUM/GPA requirements.

E. 尝试学时

就SAP而言, a credit hour is considered attempted unless the student's academic record demonstrates one of the following grade designations for the course credits: CH, AU, 或者. 指定为0学分的课程/课程不被视为尝试学分. 转学学分也被认为是尝试学分. 参见下面的G,“转换学时”."

F. 学时

如果学生的学习成绩达到P,则被认为成功完成并获得学分, 或者A到D的学分. 指定为0学分的课程/课程不被视为获得学分. 转学学分也被认为是学分. 参见下面的G,“转换学时”."

G. 转换学时

Credits transferred into Alfred University are considered as both attempted credit hours and earned credit hours for the SAP quantitative measurement standards, 最大时间框架和最小完成率.

H. 未能证明令人满意的学业进步


Students who fail to meet one or more of the SAP standards become ineligible to receive further Federal Title IV and University aid payments at Alfred University.


被确定不符合联邦第四章和大学援助计划资格的学生有权上诉. 上诉必须说明导致学生未能达到SAP的情有可原的情况. 上诉必须以书面形式(信件或电子邮件)提出。, 作者:学生, presented to the director of financial aid within 15 days of the date on the letter notifying the student of the lack of SAP, 并有适当的文档支持. 上诉决定由财政援助主任作出.

所有申诉必须包括一份学术计划, 如果之后, 能否确保学生在一到两个学期的额外出勤时间内达到SAP的标准. Academic plans must be approved by the student's college/school dean and identify specific actions and academic performance criteria the student will satisfy during and at the end of each semester in the academic plan.

为学生提供具体的, 上诉信的详细指导, 允许的上诉情况, 和学术计划,当通知SAP不合规.


如果学生的上诉被批准, 该学生将在下学期获得经济资助试用. 学生在试用期间可以获得助学金. 在试用期结束时, the student must satisfy all SAP standards and/or their academic plan requirements to be eligible for continued aid payments the following semester.

I. 恢复援助资格

Students who do not satisfy the SAP requirements may reinstate their aid eligibility by correcting SAP deficiencies without the benefit of Federal or University aid or submitting a successful appeal and satisfying SAP standards after a probation period.

II. 纽约州进步标准

纽约州已经为学费援助计划(TAP)建立了学术进步标准。, 国家奖学金, 以及其他国家援助项目. 对纽约州来说, 学生受制于三个进步标准:专业追求, 令人满意的学业进展, 平均成绩要求为C.

A. 项目的追求

课程追求被定义为获得及格或不及格的成绩, 占全日制课程的一定比例, 在收到国家助学金的每个学期中,有资格获得下一学期的付款. The percentage increases from 50% of the minimum full-time course load (12 credit hours) in each semester of study in the first year for which an award is received, 在获得奖学金的第二年,每学期学习的最低全日制课程负荷的75%, 之后每学期的最低全日制课程负担达到100%.

下表说明了纽约州援助的项目追求要求. The chart defines the number of credit hours a student must complete during the semester for which a State aid payment was received according to the student's cumulative number of State aid payments received.

收到的国家援助款项数目 最少学时
1 6
2 6
3 9
4 9
5岁及以上 12

对于程序追求, 如果学生获得a到F的成绩,则认为完成了一个学分, Z, P或I级.

B. 学业进展满意(SAP)

The New York State 令人满意的学业进展 measurement defines the minimum number of earned credits and the minimum CUM/GPA which must be met for each term of study in which a State award is received. 下面的图表说明了这些标准. 如果学生的学习成绩达到P,则被认为成功完成并获得学分 或者A到D的学分.

在认证此付款号码之前 学生必须至少获得这么多学分(*) 达到最低平均分/平均分(*)
1st 0 (0) 0 (0)
2nd 6 (3) 1.5 (1.1)
3rd 15 (9) 1.8 (1.2)
4th 27 (21) 1.8 (1.3)
5th 39 (33) 2.0 (2.0)
6th 51 (45) 2.0 (2.0)
7th 66 (60) 2.0 (2.0)
8th 81 (75) 2.0 (2.0)
9th* 96 (90) 2.0 (2.0)
10th* 111 (105) 2.0 (2.0)

*Only students enrolled in a five-year baccalaureate program or an approved Education Opportunity Program may receive a fifth academic year of payment.

C. C平均要求

Students who have received the equivalent of four semesters of New York State-funded student financial aid payments must have a minimum CUM/GPA of 2.0才有资格获得随后的国家补助.

D. 评估周期和测量频率

New York State SAP and 项目的追求 standards are measured at the end of each semester for which the student received State aid. 在获得四个学期或以上的国家助学金后,所有学期的平均成绩必须达到C.

E. 恢复纽约州援助

在纽约州SAP下失去良好学术地位和支付资格的学生, 项目的追求, 或C平均要求可通过以下方式之一重新获得资格:

  1. 在没有纽约州资助的情况下弥补学业上的不足.
  2. 至少缺课一年后重新入学. 国家救助条例的本规定不适用于C海损的要求.
  3. 转学到另一所学校,学生必须满足该学校的入学要求.
  4. 要求豁免SAP的上诉, 项目的追求, 或C平均要求基于情有可原的情况. The appeal procedures are provided with the notification that the student does not meet good academic standing for NY state aid.

New York State aid regulations state that a student may receive an extenuating circumstance waiver only once for the SAP and 项目的追求 requirements. 在情有可原的情况下,对C海损要求的豁免可以被给予不止一次. 纽约州援助计划不允许经济援助缓刑.