


Alfred University’s leadership and Board of Trustees follows a disciplined process of defining the institutional strategic planning priorities with a focus on our three distinctive attributes: 十字路口, 指导和包容.   

我们的玻璃项目享誉全球, ceramics and other materials sciences as well as for our expansive liberal arts and art and design programs, 我们的学生和教师正在改善世界各地人们的生活.



The New York State College of Ceramics has been a fulcrum for Alfred University creating a top 10 School of Art and Design, 尤其擅长陶瓷和玻璃艺术.

The 稻盛工学院 is rated in the top 50 in materials science and offering 世界知名的项目 in ceramic engineering and glass science. 

我们的工科学生在整个学习过程中都接受实践训练. 合作社有很多机会, 研究项目, 和学生俱乐部(巴哈赛车), 雪上汽车设计, 冶金, 微型房屋建筑, 航空设计, 和无人机飞行)让他们学习, 解决问题, 测试, 和实验. 

The same philosophy of learning by doing is woven into the curricular fabric across the University’s other academic units. 我们的文理学院, whose commitment to quality is reflected in the fact that it is among only 10 percent of such higher education institutions in the country with a Phi Beta Kappa chapter, 提供广泛的创客体验. Among these are the opportunities to: write and publish one’s own first book; travel to another country or engage with our EuroSim program so as to enhance one’s cross-cultural understanding and political problem-solving; appreciate astronomy, 物理, and the place of humans in the cosmos through our observatory; participate in field trips illuminating how best to promote environmental sustainability; apply chemistry to activities such as baking, 烹饪, 枫糖浆生产, and beer-making; understanding mathematics and computer science through weaving, 棋盘游戏, and E-sports; and extensive opportunity for curriculum-based research experiences (CUREs) in fields such as biology and biochemistry. 

我们的商学院已被美国大学排名前100位.S. 新闻与世界报道 aacsb认证(商学院认证的黄金标准). It is the youngest school to have been ranked in the top 100 and it is distinguished by the significant business experiences of all the 教师. 

Our Extended Campus (AUNY) as well as our 研究生 Psychology and School Counseling programs focus on the ever-growing health, 健康, 以及我们更广泛社区的教育需求. 课程包括广泛的实习和项目工作.



坐落在阿勒格尼山脉美丽的山脚下,  Alfred University creates valuable intersections that transform people’s lives through our distinctive, 世界知名的项目, 我们先进的空间和技术, 还有我们的人才. Our University offers many distinct opportunities for students and 教师 to thrive. Among our features that set us apart in higher education, we are committed to:
  • Encouraging students to explore outside of their comfort zones and ask big questions about issues in the world.
  • 不断提升卓越的教学水平.
  • 提供跨学科双专业的机会.
  • Advancing our first-class research programs that are open to students of all levels.
  • Providing seamless, integrated students support experiences across the whole University.
  • Engaging alumni, students, families and friends with the University on campus and nationwide.
  • 建造撒克逊山体育娱乐中心(2025年开放)


我们提倡一种不断发展的导师文化, 让我们的学生互相学习, 教师, 教职员及校友. The commitment to mentorship as a core value and opportunity for the campus community is evidenced by:

  • 为师徒关系的发展提供系统的认可和奖励.
  • Sustaining a comprehensive student employment program that develops career readiness.
  • Expanding access to leadership development programming in the Judson 领导 Center.
  • Publishing accounts of transformative mentorship in university publications and web pages.
  • Celebrating 教师 and student accomplishments in research, teaching, service and mentorship.
  • 确保员工, 管理系统, and communications are aligned to support and celebrate the culture of mentorship.
  • Students have opportunities to be mentored by 教师, coaches, staff or even peer students. Sharing experiences in all dimensions of life enriches our students’ experiences as they grow with us.


We welcome and support all students and employees by expanding access to all dimensions of the Alfred University experience. 我们通过以下方式保持创新和包容:

  • 支持课堂内外的所有学生.
  • Cultivating a campus culture that promotes initiatives supporting inclusivity and a genuine sense of belonging.
  • 展示在线赌博体验的独特价值.
  • Engaging the entire university in the process of attracting and enrolling students of diverse backgrounds.
  • Listening to students about ways to enhance the curriculum and co-curricular programs.
  • 提供强大的暑期课程来吸引潜在的学生, 老师, 以及校园辅导员.
  • Offering full support to students through the Center for Academic Success and 职业发展中心.
  • Ensuring fiscal practices and investments are aligned with strategic plan priorities and support all university objectives.  
  • An additional Alfred experience for all new students is our 共同点 program. It comprises a series of discussions among small groups consisting of first-year and transfer students facilitated by members of the University administration, 教职员工. 共同点, 顾名思义, provides the opportunity for students regardless of their academic interests or backgrounds to have enriching conversations about different topics trending in our communities.

牧师. 4-25-24